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Day One: Rewriting the story of your diagnosis...and the rest of your life

The moment "You have Parkinson's disease" catches your ears your life is changed forever. For many, this traumatic diagnosis sets off a series of alarm bells.

  • How did this happen? (no one knows for sure)

  • How can I get rid of this? (you can't - for now, maybe ever)

  • What do I do now? That's the power question.

What happens next can set the tone for the quality of your life for years to come. Do you accept the diagnosis and begin to make the ongoing series of adjustments part of your life? Or do you deny it and pretend it doesn't exist, perhaps telling yourself and others that you're "fine"?

This is Day One. In our evidence-based writing program, we help people with PD, care partners and medical/wellness providers explore both this moment and the heroic journey that follows. Living with PD is more than a challenge - it's a series of challenges that can be better met when one is engaged with others who get it. That's what our classes are - safe and brave spaces of people who get it and want more from their lives. People who are exploring, discovering and sharing their stories.

Join us for our next class, "The Parkinson's Prison and the Hero's journey to Escape", which starts on Jan. 16. We use The Shawshank Redemption and Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey as guiding forces. We discover, as Andy does, that hope sometimes grows in the most amazing and unexpected places. And when we nurture it, it can lead to a path that will set us free.

For more information or to sign up, please click this link. If you have questions, fell free to contact program creator and instructor, Robert Cochrane, PhD at:

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So many people I have encountered upon hearing someone say PD instantly transform into a state of impending doom. While it is devastating receiving the news that we have something that will never go away. It certainly doesn't mean it is the end of days. Far from it.

On my Day one Hero's journey I found a bunch of great people just like me. What we learned together on our quest is that in the darkest times. Opportunity rises. Just when you think all is lost to a PD downward spiral. This journey gives you the tools and the incite to turn those dark cloudy thoughts into rainbows.

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