a 501(c)3 non-profit org.

The Christmas Movie Hero's Journey
The holidays can be lonely. YAX put out an open invitation for everyone to join us on Fridays throughout the holidays for a fun, festive, and interactive one-hour online presentation with award-winning filmmaker, Robert Cochrane, PhD. We shared scenes from some of the most popular Christmas movies and showed how they follow the 12 stages of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey (as adapted by Chris Vogler). You can watch one of our sessions below.

Click here for the complete list, week by week, of the clips we watched and the stage of the Hero's Journey they related to.
​We met on Fridays throughout the holidays: Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, Dec. 20
We've got the sweetest gift: chocolate from our friends at Christopher Elbow and Timothy Adams. We'll be giving away a box of these delicious gourmet goodies to one lucky attendee of The Christmas Movie Hero's Journey. Must be present to win!​

Since 2003, Christopher Elbow Chocolates has been producing hand-crafted chocolate bonbons and confections. We endeavor to bring the finest ingredients and modern culinary artistry together with a craftsman-like work ethic. Our gourmet chocolate gift towers and chocolate collections deliver an unforgettable experience, perfect for any special occasion or holiday.

Cinema Therapy works like this: We connect with certain films on a deep level because they reflect pieces of our own lives or deepest emotions back to us. We identify with the hero on the journey because we all wish we could save Christmas, win the love of our lives, and see the bad guys get what they deserve. More than just passively watch a film, we take it apart scene by scene and put it up against Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey to identify the innately human patterns. Seeing these things in others can help us understand our own longings and create a narrative where we, or a character that comes from us, learns how to write, rewrite and win. Come explore with us.
This new, evidence-based, clinically-tested writing program is open to everyone. While Yes, And...eXercise! is a 501(c)3 nonprofit serving the Parkinson's disease community, these classes are designed for all. We meet online for 90 minutes, once per week over the course of 16 weeks. Participants will write one page per week about their experience and share it on a password-protected Google Drive with classmates. Each participant is also expected to read and leave feedback on two of their fellow classmates pages as this is an ensemble-based program. We will start each session by moving to music that is themed to the stage of the Hero's Journey, then play improvisation games that support our growth, understanding and connection to one another. We will also watch clips from a film that demonstrates the Hero's Journey. All sessions will be recorded so that students who have to miss a session at its scheduled time can catch up at their convenience.