a 501(c)3 non-profit org.

Meet our board of advisors

Dr. Anne Weisman is the Director of Well-Being & Integrative Medicine with Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV. She developed a well-being and integrative medicine curriculum and workshops for the medical students, faculty and residents. Dr. Weisman earned her B.A., M.P.H. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Nevada Las Vegas. She spent 13 years caring for people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as volunteering and working in hospice. Dr. Weisman trained, certified and is also on faculty with the Center for Mind Body Medicine and uses many of these modalities and approaches in her work & throughout the community. She has taught Mind Body Medicine in the coroner’s office, with police, fire, first responders, medical students, residents, high school, elementary school students and throughout the community.

Dr. Tanya Crabb is licensed clinical psychologist, first generation college student, Jamaican immigrant, comic book enthusiast, and prior service active duty Marine and Persian Gulf War veteran. She earned her B.A. in Psychology from the City College of New York. She received her masters and doctorate degrees in Clinical Psychology from the Hawaii School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Crabb’s clinical areas of interests include working with trauma survivors, military veterans, women, marginalized populations, and issues related to race and diversity. Dr. Crabb has a passion for working in diverse communities and has provided counseling services to various populations including incarcerated youth, oncology patients, domestic violence/abuse survivors, active duty military, and veterans. Additionally, she has created and facilitated the Superhero Stress Management and Superhero Relationship Management groups which combine psychological principles with comic book characters to teach stress management, coping skills, and strategies for cultivating healthy relationships.
Dr. Dustin Davis earned his doctorate in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Dustin is a fiancé, son, brother, and friend. He cares deeply about experimenting and learning broadly and deeply to expand his world. He cultivates a learner’s life for himself and others. The inward reason is continuous intellectual, mental, and spiritual development. The outward reason is to be a better relative, friend, colleague, and citizen. For the next year, Dustin is directing his professional time to being a postdoctoral scholar at UNLV. As a postdoc, he studies how physical exercise and mindfulness help college students to be active and decrease their stress, anxiety, and depression. He also leads a course about physical activity and health for first-year students. Dustin’s friendship with Robert and commitment to young people’s well-being drew him to Yes, And… eXercise (YAX)! He sees greatness in YAX! because of its leadership and model. The model calls all of us to move all of us: our bodies, minds, and the better parts of our nature. We share a space where we are present, openhearted, and compassionate toward ourselves and one another. In this place of movement, we are moved. Dustin is thrilled to serve on the Board of Advisors, where learning, connecting, and well-being are valued and integral to the team and all YAX! offerings.