Parkinson’s disease is a viperfish...
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a viperfish that prowls through my brain, attacking my neurons and depleting me of much-needed dopamine… It’s...
Parkinson’s disease is a viperfish...
Who, me? Improvise?!
To all who should be concerned:
Ending Parkinson's disease
World Parkinson's Congress 2023
Michael J. Fox's latest documentary, "Still", is our Call to Adventure
The Parkinson's Prison and my plan to escape!
Day One to the rescue - again!
A Care Partner’s Advocacy - a time when I missed the mark
Yeah, but what happens when it’s not acute?
Your Daily Dose of Dopamine: Featuring Cole Galloway, PhD
Your Daily Dose of Dopamine: Featuring Cindy Copley
Care Partners - we need YOU!
The longest run: Almost bonking...
When taking the long road, we need to refuel
The stories we tell ourselves
The YAX Factor
You're lost (and that's great!)
Say yes to smiles and laughter
Why humor matters with Parkinson's