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2023 Offerings

Following Robert's graduation from his PhD program in December 2022, which laid the foundation for YAX, we are now full time with our programs in 2023. The full slate of our proposed classes and their value is listed below. We are seeking corporate, community, and individual sponsors to back these evidence-based, gap-filling programs. We have people with, affected by and serving the Parkinson's community from all over the world ready to engage, learn and be transformed by these dynamic, clinically-tested programs.


What's up with the baseball motif? Our Parkinson's journey began on the road to see a game at each of the 30 Major League Baseball parks together. The award-winning documentary film series the came from it, Boys of Summer,  lives on - and we celebrate it!

Thank you for your help.

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SINGLE sponsorship: Jam for Joy

$20 for a one-time, single Jam for Joy participant


DOUBLE sponsorship:  YAX

$500 - sponsors a single individual for Yes … And eXercise Curriculum Class, six weeks, two one hour classes/week (total of 12 sessions)


TRIPLE sponsorship: DAY ONE

$2000 - sponsors a single individual for 16 weeks, one 90 minute session/week


HOME RUN sponsorship: YAX

$6000 - Sponsors 16 individuals for an entire Yes … And eXercise Curriculum Class, 6 weeks, two one hour classes/week (total of 12 sessions).


GRAND SLAM sponsorship: DAY ONE

$32,000 - Sponsors an entire class (16 participants) for 16 weeks, one 90 minute session/week.


MANAGER’S SPECIAL - Jam for Joy group

$320 - you and up to 15 of your friends and family can have a personalized, online Jam for Joy. The Jam is a fun way to introduce improvisation to people who have never played before and perhaps thought it wasn't for them. Improv is for everyone. We make it simple, fun, enjoyable, and will have 

Make Contact

Improvisation and storytelling are remarkably flexible and adaptive to individuals and groups needs. We often get asked if this work can be applied to other populations or settings, both in person and online. The answer is always, "Yes, And"...I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to expand our offerings. Let's connect.

Yes, And...eXercise provides novel, evidence-based improvisation and Cinema Therapy-style storytelling programs to improve quality of life for everyone. 

©2022 by Yes, And...eXercise!

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